The horse we love!

The horse we love!
Meet shadow are horse!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Auckland, New Zealand

Howdy Yall!! This was our 7th race fot the Amazing Race!! We traveled from Beijing, China to Auckland, New Zealand. It was a lot of fun!! Before we went to New Zealand, Mustang Mel had to learn how to say 1 to 10 in Chinese. Afterwards, Mustang Mel also had to eat two fortune cookies in order to pass activity 3. Then we flew to New Zealand. What a beautiful place!! We both got to go scuba diving at the Poor Knight Islands, and learned about "land diving" which is similar to bungee jumping, except there is rope attched to the ankles. They land dive after the Yam harvest. If the rope attached to them is too short, then the land owner breaks his pelvis and legs. If the rope is too long, the land owner breaks his neck. If the rope is just right, then they're yam crops will thrive. We had a lot of fun today, and finished 4th place. We can't wait for the next Amzaing Race!!

This is a picture of someone land diving.

This is a fotune cookie that Mustang Mel
had to eat. Yummy!

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