The horse we love!

The horse we love!
Meet shadow are horse!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Auckland, New Zealand

Howdy Yall!! This was our 7th race fot the Amazing Race!! We traveled from Beijing, China to Auckland, New Zealand. It was a lot of fun!! Before we went to New Zealand, Mustang Mel had to learn how to say 1 to 10 in Chinese. Afterwards, Mustang Mel also had to eat two fortune cookies in order to pass activity 3. Then we flew to New Zealand. What a beautiful place!! We both got to go scuba diving at the Poor Knight Islands, and learned about "land diving" which is similar to bungee jumping, except there is rope attched to the ankles. They land dive after the Yam harvest. If the rope attached to them is too short, then the land owner breaks his pelvis and legs. If the rope is too long, the land owner breaks his neck. If the rope is just right, then they're yam crops will thrive. We had a lot of fun today, and finished 4th place. We can't wait for the next Amzaing Race!!

This is a picture of someone land diving.

This is a fotune cookie that Mustang Mel
had to eat. Yummy!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Nepal, India and Beijing, China

Howdy Yall!! This was our 6th race for the Amazing Race!! Unfortunately, Clydesdale Chrsitie was absent today, so I had to race by myself. I traveled to Nepal by the Golden Chariot Train, and then I traveled by bus to Beijing, China. It was beautiful!! I climbed Mount Everest and hired a sherpa named Sherpa Dorjee to help us find our way up Mount Everest!! I also went to the longest man-made structure in the world; the great wall of China!! It was so much fun! I finished today in second, with a time of 31 minutes. I hope to keep this place in the race!!

This is a picture of The Great Wall of China.
It's so beautiful!

This is a picture of Mount Everest, the biggest mountain in the world.
What a phenominal picture!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Mumbai, India

Howdy Yall!! Today we had a great race for the Amazing Race!! We traveled to Mumbai, India, and it was amazing!! The mosques and ancient buildings were so beautiful! There was one mosque that worshipped rats, and over 15,000 rats lived in the mosque!! Eww! Another activity we played was cricket, which is the 2nd most played sport in India. It is very difficult! So we decided to play golf, which is also one of the most played sports in India. Luckily, we reached activity number 3 first, which meant we were the ones that were granted the fast forward. We got 3 hours taken off our regular time, so we finished first with a great time. We are so happy that we had such and exciting and great race!!

This is the Taj Mahal, one of the most famous buildings in India.
 It is truly a remarkable site!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Vienna, Austria & Cairo, Egypt

Howdy Yall! This was our fourth race for The Amazing Race! We traveled to Vienna, Austria, and then for the second part of our race we traveled to Cairo, Egypt! Did you know Vienna is where Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart grew up? We learned how to play the song "Hot Cross Buns" on the piano! The tasks were challenging, but we managed to complete them and finish with a good time. The second part of our trip in Cairo was very fun! We learned how to wrap a mummy! It was interesting to learn how the egyptians wrapped mummies! We had a very fun time in Vienna and Cairo!
This is a picture of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. He has
written many famous pieces and opera's!

This is a picture of a tomb of a mummy.
This is actually King Tut's tomb, an Egyptian king that had died.

Rome, Italy

This is a Colosseum in Rome. Isn't it marvelous?

Howdy Yall! This was our third real race for The Amazing Race! We traveled to Rome, Italy. What a beautiful city it is! We absolutely loved it there! We saw the Colosseum in Rome. It was amazing! It was ancient and old, but it was beautiful! We also had to run our own pizza store, since pizza is an important dish in Italy. We had a lot of fun in Italy!


The chocolate Mustang Mel had to eat!

Howdy yall, today we traveled to Bern, Switerland. Mustang mel had to eat some swiss cheese and dark chocolate, and I had to yodel. We are in 4th right now and hope to stay there so we can make it to the finals, we had a blast and can't wait till the next race!